The winner is determined by the amount of Stars earned by each Alliance. The Star count for each Alliance is on display at the top of the War Map during the War Day. To win a World War, your Alliance must have earned more stars than the opposing Alliance during War Day.
Only the best attack against each enemy War Base counts. If an ally has already earned 4 stars on an enemy base, you will have to earn 5 stars against that same War Base to score one additional Star for your Alliance.
How do I earn stars for my Alliance?
You earn Stars for your Alliance by winning battles. Stars are earned the same way as in Multiplayer matches: 1 Star if you destroy a Town Center, 1 Star if you destroy at least 50% of the buildings in a base, 1 Star if you destroy 75% of the buildings in a base, 1 Star if you destroy 100% of the buildings in a base, and 1 Star if you earn any other star in the first minute of battle. However, only the best attack against each enemy War Base counts. If an ally has already earned 4 stars on an enemy base, you will have to earn 5 stars against that same War Base to score one additional Star for your Alliance.
What happens if we Tie / What if we get the same number of Stars?
In the event that both Alliances earn the same number of stars, the Alliance with the higher Average Destruction will be victorious. If both Alliances also have the same Average Destruction, the war is considered a stalemate and both Alliance will be awarded 100% of the War Loot they earned.
In the event of a stalemate, neither team will gain or lose Glory. 
How is the winner determined if both Alliances get the same number of stars and the same percent destruction in World War?
World Wars are won by earning more stars than the other alliance. If that’s a tie, then average destruction is the first tie-breaker. If that’s also a tie, then the team with the shorter (better) total elapsed time in battle is declared the winner. The objectives in a war, in order of importance, are:
3.Elapsed Time
Why do I have to wait to see the results after war day has ended?
It’s possible that there are some last minute battles that could impact the outcome of the war. There is a five-minute grace period after a war is over to allow any active battles to finish and be counted towards the final score.